PSG Info Session

The Penn Student Government Info Session is a presentation by the branch heads of the Class Boards, NEC, SAC, SCUE, SPEC, and UA. To learn more about each branch and the event, check out @pennstudentgov on Instagram!

The NEC is tasked with publicizing student government elections and ensuring voter education among the student body. Current voter education initiatives for New Student Elections include Midnight Breakfast and other campus-wide outreach events. This event recognizes the beginning of the voting period with free breakfast food and music. Follow @pennstudentgov on Instagram for more information!

Voter Education

The Vice Chair for Education chairs the Penn Student Government Steering Committee, which includes leaders from all 6 branches of Penn Student Government. Its members are as follows:

Class Board 2025 President

Class Board 2026 President

Class Board 2027 President

Class Board 2028 President

Nominations and Elections Committee Chair

Nominations and Elections Vice Chair for Education

Student Activities Council Chair

Student Committee on Undergraduate Education Chair External

Social Planning and Events Committee President

Undergraduate Assembly President

Undergraduate Assembly Speaker

PSG Steering

PSG Week

Penn Student Government Week is a week-long series of events sponsored by the six different branches of Penn Student Government. The purpose of PSG Week is to both foster interbranch collaboration and educate the student body about the activities of each student government branch. Previous event series have included coffee giveaways from SPEC, community conversations with the UA and SCUE, and PSG-wide philanthropy events.