Kayla Prezelski


I am a junior majoring in Bioengineering, and I am seeking your support in electing me as Undergraduate Assembly SEAS Representative. As your SEAS representative I will work toward tangible improvements that will directly benefit SEAS students through services, funding, and advocacy. A service I would like to bring about is a user-friendly platform to reserve space in the evening for large group studying, as there is classroom space that is not being utilized. One thing that I notice among students is that the close knit community within the different majors does not transfer to a larger sense of community among all students in SEAS -- between class years or the individual majors/programs within the years. I will use my platform to plan events/activities that will bring together SEAS as a whole, such as subsidized tickets to Philadelphia sporting events or something as simple as a Junior (or sophomore/senior) night at the ice skating rink on campus. As a female in engineering, something that is extremely important to me is advocating for women in the STEM field, exemplified by my involvement in Advancing Women in Engineering (AWE). If elected, I will be the only female SEAS Representative, and as such, I will work to bridge the gap between women in engineering and women in the STEM field, to create a large network for all women in different scientific disciplines at Penn.